The Australian Intellectual Property Report provides the latest data on the intellectual property (IP) rights administered by the Australian Government. The report analyses the volume of applications for IP rights filed in Australia, the number of IP rights registered or granted, the geographical origins of applications, and the types of innovations for which applicants have sought protection.
In 2020, economic shocks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and supply chain disruptions induced a sharp contraction in employment and output. This year’s IP Report documents some surprising trends in IP activity during this unprecedented crisis. Applications for patents and design rights fell by 2 and 4 per cent in 2020. In the case of designs, this decline can be attributed to a downturn in international trade, whereas the fall in patenting is due to a reduction in Australian filings. Conversely, trade mark applications increased by 8 per cent compared to 2019, driven by Australian applicants seeking increased trade mark protection.
2020年,COVID-19疫情爆发,经济遭到冲击,供应链中断导致就业和产出急剧收缩。今年的知识产权报告因这场史无前例的危机而呈现出一些出人意料的趋势。 2020年专利和外观设计申请量下降2-4%。就外观设计而言,申请量下降归因于国际贸易下滑,而专利申请量的下降则是由于澳大利亚申请量的减少。相反,受澳大利亚本地申请人寻求加强商标保护的推动,商标申请量较2019年增长了8%。
Trade marks are informational signals that distinguish products, services and companies in the marketplace. Registering a trade mark insulates it from copying and infringement for an initial period of 10 years, but trade mark protection can be renewed indefinitely.
In 2020, a total of 81,702 trade mark applications were filed in Australia, an 8 percent increase on 2019. This increase occurred during the steepest fall in Australia’s gross domestic product (GDP) in history. This trend continued as Australia’s economy rebounded in the second half of 2020.
As with applications, trade mark registrations in Australia have risen with GDP over the past decade but continued to increase in 2020 even as GDP fell. Registrations reached 64,086, up 10 per cent on their level in 2019.
Figure T1. Trade mark applications and registrations, 2011–20
The growth in trade mark applications in Australia was due to growth in filings by Australian residents. In 2020, residents were named as applicants on 51,662 trade mark applications, up 17 per cent from 2019. Of these resident filings, 3,818 (or 7 per cent) were multi-party applications – most (3,755) coming from residents with Australian co-applicants only, the remaining (63) being mixed origin, with Australian and international co-applicants. The remaining 47,844 resident applications were from single Australian applicants (Table T1).
In contrast, non-residents accounted for 30,040 applications in 2020, a 4 per cent fall from their level in 2019. The majority (29,677) came from single non-resident applicants, with a smaller number (363) from international co-applicants without involvement of Australian residents.
Table T1. Origin of single and multi-party trade mark applications, 2020
Trade marks are attributed to specific product and service classes using Nice, an international classification scheme comprised of 45 classes. Applicants, who can nominate one or several Nice classes for their application, filed 148,104 classes in 2020, an average of 1.8 classes per application.
Since 2002, there has been relative stability in the degree to which trade mark applications are concentrated across classes, with five classes dominating for total filings (Table T2).
Table T2. Trade mark classes, top 5 in 2020
As shown in Figure T2, the greatest change in classes was observed for Surgical and medical apparatus (+23 per cent from 2019), Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations (+23 per cent), Clothing and footwear (+13 per cent), Non-medicated cosmetics and toiletries (+13 per cent) and Legal services (+12 per cent). The classes with the highest rates of decline were Medical and veterinary services (–10 per cent) and Transport services (–9 per cent). These trends likely reflect the massive demand for products to help mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic and the uneven sectoral impacts of business restrictions intended to curb infection spread.
Figure T2. Applications for trade marks related to medical and health care products and services increased in 2020
States and territories澳大利亚各州和地区的商标申请量
In 2020, trade mark applications increased from their levels in 2019 across all states and territories except the Northern Territory (Table T3). Applicants from New South Wales were named in the largest number of applications (18,286), followed by applicants from Victoria (named in 16,105 applications). Victorian applicants led for the most applications per capita (2.2 per thousand people), and for the highest rate of growth in applications (21 per cent) during 2020.
Of the 51,662 resident applications in 2020, a total of 118 were filed by applicants in interstate partnerships. The most common interstate partnerships involved co-applicants from New South Wales and Queensland (28 applications), from New South Wales and Victoria (17 applications), and from Queensland and Victoria (17 applications).
Table T3. Trade mark applications, states and territories, 2019–20
In 2020, as in every year since 2015, the major countries of origin for trade mark applicants (besides Australia) were the United States (US), China, the United Kingdom (UK), Germany and Japan. In total, 8,918 trade mark applications named US applicants, 4,815 named Chinese applicants, 2,215 named applicants from the UK, 1,709 named German applicants and 1,323 named applicants from Japan. Applications fell from their level in 2019 for all of these countries of origin except Japan, filings from which remained stable.
Of the 81,702 total applications filed in Australia, 97 named applicants from multiple countries. The most common international partnerships involved Australians filing with co-applicants from Hong Kong (16 applications), the US (15 applications) and China (7 applications).
Following a sustained period of growth in applications filed by international partnerships in 2015–19, international partnership applications fell in 2020 (Figure T3). The decline may reflect the volatility in international trade introduced by the COVID-19 pandemic.
伴随着2015年至2019年以来商标国际共同申请持续增长之后,2020年该数据却有所下降(见图T3)。 这反映出COVID-19疫情给国际贸易带来的波动和影响。
Trade mark applications can be filed directly in Australia or via the Madrid system, which allows a single trade mark to be filed in multiple countries. In 2020, 16,872 trade mark applications in Australia were filed via this system, equating to 56 per cent of all non-resident applications.
Figure T3. After a period of sustained growth, trade mark applications filed by international partnerships fell in 2020
Before the pandemic, trade mark applications filed by Australians overseas exhibited strong continuous growth. In 2019 (most recent WIPO data), Australian residents filed a total of 20,573 trade mark applications abroad. These contained 47,983 class nominations, up 10 per cent from 2018. The primary destination countries for these filings were China (19 per cent of all class nominations in applications abroad), the US (15 per cent), New Zealand (12 per cent) and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (6 per cent).
More analysis and data please refer to https://www.ipaustralia.gov.au/ip-report-2021, for patents, designs, copyrights, trademarks and exports in each chapter.
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